Kinderkraft Silver Grey 4trike Tricycle
Kinderkraft Silver Grey 4trike Tricycle with pedals transforms into a pusher bike and mini balance bike. Help your child with their motor and balancing skills, and encourage physical activity from a young age. Playtime together outdoors or indoors is unforgettable.
4TRIKE is a tricycle with pedals that transforms into a pusher bike for young children and a mini balance bike. It’s very easy to change between functions. You can transform 4TRIKE from a balance bike into a three-wheeler in just several seconds. It’s easy to store, and because it’s lightweight, taking it on trips is a breeze.
It’ll fit into your boot, and you can also put it into your pushchair basket on walks. The seat is soft, profiled and ergonomic to keep your youngster comfortable. Even longer bike trips will be pleasant, because the seat will make sure your child remains comfortable.
The solid tyres without any spokes are lightweight and safe for your little discoverer. The wheels are made of puncture-resistant foam that’s also resistant to abrasion. Whether it’s wet asphalt or a forest path, 4TRIKE will meet any challenge. If it rains, you can use it indoors – the wheels won’t scratch your floor.
4TRIKE has limited handlebar turning, which prevents sudden turning and the resulting loss of balance. Your youngster can safely learn how to ride a bike. We know well that it’s easy to lose small elements around children. That’s why in the 4TRIKE tricycle, the detachable pedals (to transform it into a balance bike or pusher bike) can be stored under the seat.
- 3-in-1 tricycle
- Folds down to a compact size.
- Soft, adjustable seat
- Solid foam tyres
- Limited handlebar turning
- Detachable pedals
- Handlebar carry handle
- Non-slip handles
- Rounded edges
- Open: L88.5cm x H50cm x W43cm
- Folded: L43cm x H47.5cm x W34cm
- Weight: 4.2kg
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